Improving Health and Lives Together: a celebration of our partnership work - sharing our lived experience.LD Week - addressing the Council Chambers Takeover event.LD Week - Picnic in the ParkCo-production Cafe - talking about ways to make voting easier for people with learning disabilities,Co-production CafeHuddersfield University talkBigger, better labels poster presentationBigger, better labels project workBigger, better labels poster design workshopAHP ForumCoffee AfternoonCo-production CafePresentation about lived experienceEuropean Healthcare conferenceKing's Coronation celebrationsCo-production CafeCardio WallViewing our Covid booster information videoSharing tips on how to have a good experience when voting in elections.NHS Big TeaBig Thank You lunchShining stars and idea bulbs - collecting feedbackEnd of year team reflections and ideas to take forwardCo-production CafePicnic in the Park, LD WeekPeople's Parliament Council Chambers take-over, LD WeekDown Syndrome Focus Group